Conservative Priorities
Kelly is running for Governor to ensure the future is bright for all of our kids – where they have every opportunity to succeed right here in North Dakota. With conservative leadership, we can unleash the full potential of our citizens, create jobs, and let the people of this state do what they do best. North Dakota is the best place in the world to live, work, and raise a family.
Property Tax Relief & Reform
Kelly has consistently fought to lower taxes for the people of North Dakota. There has been work done on this issue, but it has not led to reductions on your property tax statements. Kelly’s number one priority will be to collaborate with community leaders, county officials, and stakeholders to find a solution that will benefit all North Dakotans, while delivering meaningful reform.
Defending Life
Kelly believes that life is sacred and has been a defender of life at all stages. In Washington, he worked to finally pass the 20-week abortion ban and promote the pro-life agenda. He supports the Hyde Amendment’s ban on using federal funds for abortion and supports diverting funding from Planned Parenthood into Community Health Centers that do not perform or encourage abortion.
Kelly cosponsored the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Act. Together these bills would ban abortion after 20 weeks and would require a healthcare provide to provide care to any child who exhibits signs of life after an abortion procedure. He also co-sponsored the Life at Conception Act which affirms an unborn child’s right to life under the 14th Amendment.
Opioid Crisis
The opioid crisis is killing our children. The grip of this epidemic does not discriminate by race, age, or economic status. We need a full throated plan of attack to combat these deadly drugs. We need smart policy that provides more treatment, education, and accountability.
Kelly introduced the State Opioid Response Grant Authorization Act to help states and tribal nations fight the opioid crisis.
We have to once and for all secure our borders. This isn’t about stopping immigration; this is about ending the flow of drugs and human trafficking along our southern borders. Kelly has supported President Trump’s efforts to build a wall along the border with Mexico and has co-sponsored the Fix the Immigration Loopholes Act and the BOUND Act to help stop the flow of illegal immigrants, drugs and counterfeit merchandise across our borders.
2nd Amendment Rights
Kelly has been a leading champion for law abiding gun owners. Kelly fought back against the efforts of Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats to infringe upon our second amendment freedoms.
Addiction & Sentencing
Kelly has helped save lives when it comes to addiction. He has helped marshal through the most sweeping DUI reform in our history and increased penalties for repeat offenders and provided more tools for law enforcement to ensure that offenders are staying sober and getting treatment. Last year he voted to pass historic legislation that will work towards dealing with addiction related crimes. Addiction is an issue we need to confront head on. We cannot build enough prison cells to solve this problem. Kelly supports providing tools and treatment to make sure young addicts can become successful members of our society not better criminals, while still making sure we hold people accountable for their actions.
Protecting the Rule of Law
Kelly supported new rules to crack down on extremist protesters. The DAPL protests exposed some serious flaws in our century code. Kelly supported legislation that strengthened our laws and provided our law enforcement the tools they need to defend us against people who have no respect for our laws or our citizens. No longer will out-of-state environmental extremists get away with causing destruction and chaos in North Dakota.
Giving Farmers and Ranchers the Opportunity to Succeed
As a lifelong resident, Kelly understands that agriculture is still the backbone of North Dakota and he has worked hard to ensure that our farmers and ranchers concerns are heard. Kelly has sponsored legislation that would ensure that our local farm implement dealers would be protected from national manufacturers unfair demands. Our local businesses had no real bargaining power and were being forced to stock equipment creating a terribly unfair burden on our local farming and ranching communities.
A Real Conservative. A Real North Dakotan.
Finally, Kelly is running for Governor because he truly loves North Dakota.
North Dakota is the Armstrong’s home and Kelly has worked hard to make it a better place. He will go to work every day to defend our jobs, our values, and our way of life. Kelly Armstrong has always been a fighter. He’s not afraid to confront challenges head on.

Donate Today
Together through smart policy and sheer force of will, we will elect a conservative who can deliver real results. We can ensure that North Dakota has a strong conservative as its Governor. And we can ensure that our children have every opportunity for success right here in the greatest state in the greatest county in the world.
Help Kelly today by getting involved or donating today!